Cleaning products can have harsh chemicals and cause health problems - use these natural options to keep your home smelling amazing and sparkling clean.
1. Lemon
Lemon is a powerful cleaning tool for the home because it not only exfoliates grease, soap stains, and other debris, but it also disinfects and prevents mold. In addition to these powerful results - it also leaves your home amazing
2. Olive Oil
Olive oil is a great way to polish your wood and leather surfaces and floors. Not only does it add a shine to your surfaces, it also helps them to last longer. Just apply a small amount to your surfaces with a cotton swab and watch your furniture come back to life!
3. Toothpaste
Toothpaste is a great cleanser and stain-removing agent. It can safely clean silver and table tools, and remove tough stains such as ink, makeup, coffee, tea, and pen. Beyond its incredible stain-removing ability, toothpaste can also remove water rings left from cups on your wooden surfaces.
4. Essential Oils
Essential oils can be powerful and beneficial in a variety of different areas of your life. When it comes to cleaning, Lavender and Tea Tree Oil are great disinfectants for your surfaces as well as to clean your floors. Essential oils are concentrated and it doesn't require much for them to be effective.
5. Salt
Salt is a powerful cleaning agent that can be found in any kitchen. It can be used to clean and disinfect your kitchen sponges, eliminate bad odor while cleaning your refrigerator and remove some stains in woolen carpets.
Check out the full article from DIY Projects here!